Tuesday 16 August 2016

#10 - All The Moving Parts

When starting to blog again I was wise enough to realize that it might not be something I do forever, and that I might go extended periods of time without updating. That wasn't my plan, but life is funny in that way. No matter how you think the next few weeks or months look like - they almost always turn out differently. In my case, I have just had too much on my plate. I'm not making excuses, I don't really care to be honest. I am just living life!

It's 3:30AM and I woke up for no apparent reason and was thirsty, then needed to use the bathroom, then Rocky wanted to go out and I was then fully awake by this point. I got to sleep earlier than usual last night but getting up to do busy work at 3am is pretty rare for even me. I decided to check inbox's and one thing lead to another and here I am, blogging in the middle of the night. I will keep this one short to get some more sleep before I am up again in a few hours for a session with my coach.

I have been immersed in poker for the last several weeks, nothing new I know. But something has changed. I am hungrier to climb to the top than I have been in recent months, which I didn't even think was possible. I am learning a lot from each session with my coach and doing better and better at the tables. I am nearly to the point of considering myself a high-stakes MTT reg but still have some improving to do before I completely turn the corner from mid-stakes. To be 100% honest, the $50k Challenge was a product of me needing to stop the bleeding. I wasn't getting the desired results and variance was huge. I wanted to take more control of my poker destiny and figured it would be a wonderful approach to the coaching aspect of things for my students. Now I am just getting too good - I want to play the games where I have the highest EV. I am so hungry to progress in all areas of life, and playing (very) low stake SNG's every day wasn't stimulating me near enough. I pay a lot of money every week to be coached for 5-8 hours, learning how to better beat high stake MTTs, and then start registering SNG's and it just feels ... off. I will be one of the best online high stake MTT players next year, but only if I continue the path now. And that path includes playing the games. I'm not saying that I am going to stop playing SNG's, I am just chillin out on the crazy volume and playing more MTTs for now.

Disregarding those things, I simply haven't played many SNG's the last 2 weeks for other reasons too, mostly due to the MTT volume being too high when I do play and I have also skipped a handful of sessions to focus on off-the-table stuff. I have been hosting 2 students here at my house, one left yesterday and we clicked very well and we have made plans for a long term coaching deal in return for a percent of his profits. And the other guy is the one I have referred to in my blog before, the vegan from Germany, and he is headed out on Friday. Between the time I spend with the two of them, coaching sessions with hourly rate guys 8-10 hours per week, sessions with my coach every morning M-F, making sure I spend a lot of time with my dog Rocky, sneaking in exercise and basketball sessions with my roommate and being in love with my girlfriend Fernanda who lives with me, my free time is pretty damn limited - but I like it that way. I am also still working on putting together content for my students as well as getting a website up. I have a lot of cool things going on behind the scenes and am anxious to be to the point to share more with you guys about it all but right now isn't the time.

I am still on a 99% vegan diet, with the occasional chocolate or cheese product. I feel great and very rarely does meat sound appealing at all. I still need to amp up the fitness area of my life, and that will happen and I am not stressing over it. Now that my diet is so clean, it feels like less of a priority to worry about my physique. I stretch and stay pretty active in general, but haven't been doing T25 more than once per week.

In a few weeks, Fernanda and I are hopping on a plane and going to my cousin's wedding in Texas. We are SUPER siked to get to sneak in a little family time - it's tough being away from them all year-round. My sister has a 4 year old and a 1 year old and it kills me to not be around to be Uncle Brian. I love my parents and cherish the time I spend with them and hope life allows me to do more of that in the coming months and years.

I'll close with a few pics. Thanks for reading :)

Trip to Betty's for some vegetarian burgers

The grocery list

Up at 6am every morning for a 7am session with my coach

Spread from the top ranked Vegan spot in Tijuana 

A typical sandwich for me these days.....no meat, no cheese, hummus instead of mayo

My baby boy getting his medicated foot bath after one of our long walks

All these damn close calls the last week, time to break through!